This body of work spanning from 2018 to 2021 comprises identity-focused explorations rooted in personal experiences.
This body of work spanning from 2018 to 2021 comprises identity-focused explorations rooted in personal experiences.

Installation, 2021
Guided by ecocentrism, this installation consists of traces of life, memories of migration, and considerations of futurity. This project is a living archive addressing place, history, memory, familial connections, cohabitation, and communication.
Bird specimens loaned from UC Santa Barbara Natural History Collections. Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration, University of California - Santa Barbara.
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Soft Sculpture, 2021

Hey love. So, uh, what turns you on?
I’ve been reading a lot of mile-high club pr0n.
[inserts link of a white man/Asian flight attendant fucking in a plane]

Performance Documentation, 2021
Hey. So I hve a question…whats ur bra size??
Oh wow is that normal for an Asian grl?
You’re just so cute and shy, I really wanna cuddle with you.
I miss holding my ex after we’d finish up a night of bondage fucking to NIN.
What if it was just for a minute, would you let me?
Have you tried this Jackpot no hands thing?
[sends audio file]
You should try it. It really works... o///o
Do you ever masturbate?
Is sex before marriage, like, a taboo in your house?
I really want to find a sub to peg…
:shark: I miss you…
thinking about you in that corset you made…rawr.
You’re like the cross-section of smart Asian, cool Asian, and hot Asian, haha!
Let’s have another sleepover soon…
I’m willing to make the drive to see you!
Reflecting on existing in a body that doesn’t quite fit, and not only living in a female body, but a female Asian body – I’ve been working through gender and racial performativity in the everyday disempowered action of becoming smaller, staying quiet, head down, take it, take it, and what that does to a person.
The result is this meticulous and physical process, knees on the asphalt hyper-awareness of my movements that affects the material and produces an artifact.

Grabbing the binder and a shirt, I headed to the vanity mirror. I struggled to pull the tight spandex over my shoulders. My face flushed as I tried to yank it down over my boobs. Eventually, I wriggled it over my protruding chest and brought the rest of the material down over my stomach. Letting out a sigh, I adjusted the stiff material over my flesh until it didn’t look so lumpy.
I inspected the shape of myself, nodded in satisfaction, then slipped the soft cotton shirt over my head. As my eyes emerged from the dark grey of my boyfriend's shirt, I looked again. I turned to the side, my hand came up to pat my chest, and then—I felt a painful whoosh up my nose and my vision blurred. My lungs started to shake as I gazed at the mirror.
Watching the tears roll down, I laughed, teeth shining back at me.
“You should have known.” The reflection said.
“I should have known.” I squeezed out. The binder squeezed back.
Is it tender or painful? No.
Nipple discharge? No.
Redness, warmth? No.
Lots of little lumps? No.
Okay, probably not a cyst then.
What about Breast Cancer?
Hard or firm lump? Yes.
No pain? Yes.
Uh oh.
May feel like it’s attached to tissue deep inside? …No.
Irregular shape? …No?
Alright, Benign Fibroadenomas.
Round, firm, smooth? Yes?
Can it be easily moved around? YES.

Found Object Installation, 2021
Thinking about what we value in a society, how success is measured, what we work towards, capitalist systems, 80K in student loans, no car, living in parents house... Well–if I can’t live the American dream in this life, let’s put a $100 down on insurance for the afterlife.
FUNerary Objects
when did grandma pass away? when did grandpa pass away? where did they live before coming to the u.s.? when did they come to the u.s.? how old were you? where did they live in the u.s.? where did they live in Chinatown? where did you grow up? where did you go to school? where was the restaurant? did you work there the whole time? what would you do after school? what was your life like? what was your favorite food growing up? your favorite food now? what about your parent's favorite food? what do you miss now, that your parents are gone? what was the Chinese school I went to? where was it? What was it called? how many times did you drive me to aunt Mei’s? why doesn’t she call? what are you supposed to do when someone passes away? I only remember some things with grandma, what are you supposed to do? why did you say you didn't know Chinese? why are you still working? you work too hard. aren't you tired? don't you deserve to rest? will I ever make it? will I be successful? what is success? will I ever be able to buy a car? a house? all these goods, do they really measure success? does any of this really matter? will I get to ask you these questions before you're gone? I don't know. I don't know.


Music Video, 2021
come on / keep it going / algorithmic
what’s this pattern / i’ve created / wasting my time?
hit me / with the d s / cataclysmic
you think / this means / anything?
keep your eyes on me
feel those eyes on me
keep your eyes on me
need all eyes on me
can’t stop / keep up rolling / nihilistic
flesh turned machine / who even sees / or cares about it?
hit them / like a passing semi / otic
don’t look at me / don’t stop / stop
keep your eyes on me
feel those eyes on me
keep your eyes on me
need all eyes on me
Dani Kwan
Lyrics / Music / Vocal / Direction / Costumes / VFX
Eamon Stewart (VFX)
Erik Scoggan (Music)
Software: Garageband, Audition, Snap Lens, Premiere, After Effects

Photography and Wearable Art, 2020
Beaten and Forged
"Beaten and Forged" symbolizes the feelings of wanting to keep anyone and everyone away from your person and your heart and mind. The garment's base pattern was inspired by chest-plate armor and fencing helmets. The spikes were then attached to serve as a deterrent against interpersonal closeness.
Smithsonian's 2020 Hirshhorn Ball Challenge First Runner Up

Beyond the Veil
Capturing the constriction phase of the cycle of isolation, which is characterized by feelings of numbness and absence of identity. The figure stands, the veil fluttering–wavering in the stillness of a decaying landscape.
The mineral-like structure and iridescence of the vinyl forms a chrysalis that distorts the wearer's image and creates a barrier of self-preservation. Set in a bleak and lonely landscape, you could imagine a terrible and harmful ritual taking place.

After a traumatic experience, many people isolate themselves. In the months following a sexual assault while in college, I became increasingly introspective and isolated–questioning everything about my identity. Half-way through creating this series, our global pandemic lockdown began – effectively shifting the project from individual to collective as we all experienced self-isolation together.
This series of garments and photos are visual representations of the cycle of self-isolation. The cycle is made up of three stages: hyperarousal, intrusion, and constriction. In the hyperarousal stage, individuals are very guarded and on high alert, and they're likely to lash out with aggression. During the intrusive stage, it’s common to relive traumatic events in conjunction with graphic nightmares. Reliving a traumatic experience disrupts your daily life, making you stop in your tracks and fight your way back to reality. The constriction phase results in numbness and an absence of self.

(To try it on instagram, use this QR code or search @danikwan in-app filters.)

Photography and Mixed Media Collage, 48" x 66", 2018

Photo Series, 60" x 8", 2019

Utilizing fashion photography research, this spectrum exhibits the power clothing has in shaping a person’s perceived identity to question our deeply-rooted societal beliefs of gender identity and how it influences our choices and expectations.
Sometimes, I start to feel a little alone in my experience, I really appreciate the stories and celebrations from non-binary/queer-centric news source: Them.

Artwear, 60" H, 2019

Researching gender roles, participants of a survey (ages 18-60) were asked to draw clothing they believed were most feminine on women, most masculine on men, and the most attractive on both sexes. The answers were then printed on fabric and made into garments that reflected the median of the survey results.
The research behind this project is ongoing...my recent research has added some new meaning, highly recommend Roland Barthes’ work particularly Mythologies, Semiotics, and The Fashion System.